Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Short Stories Plots

Andrew, Jane, the Parson, and the Fox

Jane was very happy, early on a fine November mornig, because she was going to get married with Andrew. So they went to church. Andrew’s sister and brother went whit them. They planned to go to Port Brady for their money moon. The night before, he had a party, to welcome the new baby, he hadn’t slept and drank a lot .Therefore Andrew was drunk and the parson didn’t want to marry. Those if Andrew went back home and get sober, the Parson could marry them. However, the bride began to cry. The parson told them to wait in the church for two hours. Then the bride whispered in the Parson’s ear “Please, sir will you lock the door “so the parson locked it. The parson went hunting, he was very tired.soo he couldn’t keep his eyes open. The next mornig, when Parson was having breakfast, the clerk came running in through the door. He reminded him that Jane and Andrew were still in the church. The Parson run to the church and open the door. He told them that he was sorry and finally married the couple. Jane got a ring on her finger and a name for her baby. After the wedding, the Parson invited them to have dinner in his house

Characters: Jane.Andrew, The parson and the Fox
Place: The church, the story take place in a little town
Time of the story: the story takes place in 3 days

Tildy´s moment
In The Bogle´s Family Restaurant:
One of the waitresses was called Aileen. She was tall, beautiful and full of life. The name os other waitresses was Tildy. She was small, fat, and was not beautiful.
Most of the people who came toe at at Bogle´s were men and they loved the beautiful Aileen.
And Tildy?
In the busy noisy restaurant, men´s eyes did not follow  Tildy. Nobody lavahed and talked with her.
But Tildy was happy to work with no thanks, she was happy to see the men with Aileen, she was happy to know that the men loved Aileen. She was Aileen´s friend. But deep inside, she, too wanted a meen  to love her.
Mr. Seeders knew that Aileen was not interested in him, so he sat at one of Tildy´s tables, said nothing and ate his fish.
One day when Mr. Seeders came in for his meal he drank too much beer. He finished his fish, got up, put his arms round Tildy, kiseed her loudly, and walked out of the restaurant.
Suddenly Tildy´s world changed. She understood now that men could like her and want her as much as Aileen. She, Tildy, could have a love-life, too. She wanted to tell everybody her secret.
For 2 days Mr. Seeders did not come again, and in that time Tildy was a different woman. She wore bright clothes, did her hair different, and she looked taller and thinner.
On the third day Mr. Seeders came in. Tildy looked at him and she could not speak. Mr. Seeders face was very red, and he looked uncornfortable.
´´Miss Tildy´´, he said, ´´I want to say that I´m sorry for what I did to you a few days ago. It was the drink, you see. I didn´t know what I was doing. I´m sorry.´´
And Mr. Seeders left.
 But Tildy ran into the kitchen, and she began to cry.
The kiss meant nothing to Mr. Seeders. Tildy did not like him very much, but the kiss was important to her and now there was nothing. Aileen coforted her and told her:

´´Don´t be unhappy, Tildy. That Little Seeders has got a face like a dead potato! He´s nothing. A real man never says sorry!´´

Place: Bogle´s Family Restaurant on the Eight avenve. The story takes place in a city in the real world.
Characters: Bogle, Aileen, Tildy, Mr. Seeders.
Time of the story: The story takes place in 3 days.